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22 September 2006

Down on the school yard

Speaking of STD's what is up with the main political parties here in NZ at the moment?

Its becoming more and more like some b grade american high school TV drama that wouldn't cut it in on the graveyard shift let alone prime time...


Do you really think anyone wants the leaders of their country engaged in this schoolyard behavior? What sort of example are you setting?

You're meant to be the leaders of a whole country for gods sake, not bickering schoold children running for primmer 2 class president.

And to the media who seem to complain this is going on and then report it anyway... stop reporting it and it will go away...

My answer to the whole thing... Everyone in parliment admits that they are cross dressing, bisexual, bigamists who enjoy tupping, cross dressing and have an addiction to [-insert random activity here-]. They should also state that before they entered parliment they once did a few naughty things (make them up if you didn't) but learnt the error of their ways and are now better for it. In fact before you can join a political party or run for a seat in any national or local body you should have to sign a declaration saying something like this. Then just sit back and let the gutter tabloid press run stories for 3 years on it until the next election while you all sit back and focus on the trivial task of running the country. 

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